I’ve let myself get bombarded and overwhelmed by advice from “them.”
I let “them” stress me out and make me think I had to pigeonhole myself…that I “should know” what I want my focus to be.
News flash:
It isn’t that simple!
And since we’re being authentic here, it just isn’t who I am. Sometimes I’m a bit of a mess. Because I’m human. I procrastinate and make poor decisions (or no decisions). I get grumpy and goofy and glittery and gosh-darn-golly-gee on a regular basis…or all at once!
I cuss though my Southern upbringing tends to limit that to my tribe of those who understand me.
My interests are varied. I love shiny things and saving the environment and personal growth and breaking stuff to see if I can put it back together. I’m a woman in a male-dominated field, and I’m totally good with that. I know I’m intelligent and that I have important things to share with the world. I also like to smell like pineapples and coconuts and paint my toenails pretty colors.
Soooooooo what I’m saying here is that this “lifestyle” blog is going to have a little DIY and wellness and upcycling and sparkly stuff and be just like me — a freaking supernova!!!
Whew. I swear I only jumped up on a chair with my fist in the air in my head. Yep. Did I mention that I love to motivate and be motivated?
Now that I got all of that off my chest…let’s get real on what is real here…
My passions lie somewhere between advanced mathematics and home renovation. I truly believe in recycling and upcycling as much as I possibly can, and I take upcycling as one of the ultimate challenges. To be able to make treasure out of trash is awesome. To give something an entirely new life by upcycling it is kind of what I’ve done for myself over the past year. My personal health and wellness in all areas is so incredibly important to me. Important enough to make a blog and share the baby steps I am taking to make improvements in those areas of my life!
Alternative energy sources are as intriguing to me as expressing myself artistically or engineering the perfect bra (which is totally in the works!!!). I’m also a big fan of quality skincare products and 90s music.
I want my daughters to see that there is no limit to what they can do. And that they can change what they’re doing any time they feel it isn’t in line with who they want to be as a human being. It’s about their personal freedom, but I also want them to know it’s about being kind to themselves and others.
It’s nice to be important…but it’s more important to be nice.
I am a completely flawed individual trying to build my physical and mental health. I want to make a difference with what I do.
This journey I’m embarking on is one of action over reaction. I don’t want to spend my life just reacting to the things that go on around me. I want to take action and move toward the things that I want.
Scratch that…
I will take action and move toward the things I want.
I will learn to strip my vocabulary of the should’s and supposed to’s and ought to’s and need to’s. A wise man recently told me that I have got to stop looking outward and start looking in. That’s where it starts…inside ourselves. It is truly a matter of whether or not we are ready to take the first step towards the life we imagine.
The world is going to continue turning.
We are going to continue aging.
What do you really want to do right now? It really makes no difference if you do it or not because, one way or another, you’re going to do something. Even doing nothing is still something… Make your action support the something that means something to you.
What this all boils down to is that I’m going to embrace my original plan to make this about healing myself and finding my healthy self…
In my own way.